Saturday, May 31, 2008

Despina & Tom's Wedding

In the end of May, we flew out to New Jersey for Despina's (Yannie's cousin) wedding. Here are a few shots from the reception:

Yannie's cousins Sophia and Stergios

Yannie's brother Chris and his wife Holly

Yannie and his cousin's son Apostole.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Liza's Hair

Liza's hair has grown quite long over the years and is well below her waist. The time is nearing for a haircut, but before doing so, she decided to make a photo project of it. Here are a few of the favorites so far. To see others, take a look at her photo blog:

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Gorilla Hands

We spent a warmish spring saturday at the Brookfield Zoo, just outside of Chicago. It was a nice day to walk around. We were surprised to see that Yannie's hands are not much smaller than the gorilla's: